Writing Writing is Thinking: Learning to Write with Confidence Learning to write is learning to think, because writing is thinking. They are two peas in a powerful pod. This article goes over my writing process, focused on minimizing the activation energy to get started.
Psychology Gaining Perspective Through Untranslatable Words What do you do with words that don't translate? You gain perspective from them. Learn from examples of how different cultures approach colour, time, and mathematics differently, to better understand how language may be impacting your own wiring.
Leadership Must-Have Qualities for Effective Leadership 500 days of thoughts around what characterizes effective leadership, including a focus on humility, prioritizing others, and leading through influence.
Remote Work Best Practices for Managing Remote Teams: A Psychological Perspective As we enter the future of work, we need to consider how we can design remote environments to be most successful. This article draws on frameworks from Give and Take, Algorithms to Live By, and the Four Tendencies to produce more thoughtful best practices for remote leaders.